This page collects various works for exhibitions, sound installations, commissioned works, performances, collaborations and much more. Usually it is based on field recordings of concrete places or even objects that are recorded with different microphones and different techniques. The recordings are left as they are or edited, sometimes heavily.
STRAHLENDER UNTERGANG - Stage play, sound and live performance 2022. Click here for ticket reservations.
Interview about field recordings and collecting sounds, 2021
WARTEN BEIM METZGER - Field recording, from "Unheard Environment" a collection of field recordings during the lockdown 2020
EATING LAMAS - Field recording, from "Unheard Environment" a collection of field recordings during the lockdown 2020
WINDLAHN (Unheard Places) - Auditive Postcard from unknown and unheard places in South Tyrol, 2018
AUF DEM WEG ZUM GIPFEL - Video- and sound installation, Nachbarsmusik Festival, Bolzano, 2016
REBUILDING THE MOUNTAINS- Three speakers and sand piles, sound installation, Kastelruth 2022
LISTENING TO DON BOSCO - Field recordings and live performance, Notterna Nightwalk, Bozen 2021
UMBRUCH - Sound installation with distance sensor, Stiftsmuseum, Innichen 2020
LANA (Unheard Places) - Auditive postcard, live performance for LanaLive, 2020
DEEP ZIGI - Sound- and light installation, Water and light festival Brixen, 2019 in collaboration with Moradavaga
ATZWANG (Unheard Places) - Auditive Postcard from unknown and unheard places, 2018
HERTZRAUSCHEN, field recording and experimental based workshops since 2009